Sunday 26 November 2017


Mention Pahang and conjures up visions of lush tropical forests cool mountain air endless sandy beaches glistering in the sun lakes and waterfalls nesting in the arms of mountain crevices plus everything else that spells a resort to nature. Pahang is in fact all these and much more. Located in the East Coast region of Peninsular Malaysia Pahang is the peninsula's largest state. Currently has a population of 1.2 million. Spanning north to south of the state forming a natural divider between east and west Pahang is a formidable mountain range wherein lies Peninsular Malaysia's highest peak Gunung Tahan the inspiration of many a mountaineers in this part of the world. Pahang's climate is characteristic of the tropics hot and humid all the year round with distinct wet and dry season that coincides with the wet seasons from the South China Sea. Kuantan the state capital is not only fast developing as a commercial town but is also a popular seaside resort. Pekan the royal town is situated 45 km south of Kuantan.

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